We are a local chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education SIGCSE.
The mission of the Ireland ACM SIGCSE Chapter is:
- to provide a unifying forum to foster and advance the state of Computing Education in Ireland
- to promote dissemination of best practices in Computing Education research and practice
- positively influencing equality, diversity, inclusion and accessibility in computing
This mission transcends all stakeholders in Computing Education in Ireland including formal and informal educators and students as well as government, industry, volunteer and grass-roots stakeholders.
In addition to connecting anyone interested in Computing Education in Ireland through our mailing list, we will have at least one large meeting each year including keynote talks, networking, poster sessions, etc., and our annual business meeting. We will also hold one or two events throughout the year. Events will rotate around various locations in Ireland. We also aim to assist hosting international computing education conferences in Ireland. If you are interested in hosting one of our upcoming events, please contact us.
You can find out more about us at our About page.
You can join the chapter here at the membership page.
You can also follow us on twitter: @SIGCSEire